Friday, August 18, 2006

Coffee and the law

Our little shop is located next to the Smalltown Courthouse so you can imagine many of our customers are attorneys and I find it ironic that as a profession these people are reviled but as human beings they are actually kind of nice people. We have a group of three from the town famous firm of Sue, Grabbit and Runne and another group from the rival firm of Hemmer and Royd. I love this southern good ol' boy banter and it is always fun to hear insults thrown across the room "Well I see yawl stopped practicing law, An' now yowze defendin' the innerests of the paw downtroddin' insurance companies". I can't wait for the first food fight. Sticky Buns at 20 paces, it's not quite Victoriana but it brighten up another dull day of trying to flog lattes to luddites.

Yesterday a real nice gentleman introduced himself as Bobby and complemented us on the food. After a brief chat he paid and left. A visiting attorney asked if I knew who that was. I replied "Yes someone called Bobby". "Well actually that was his Honor Judge Smith". I must say I was impressed. I thought Judges were aloof, nasty and above us mortals but here was a charming and pleasant human being. Unfortunately for me I suffer from prosopagnosia so I have no idea who he will be should he visit us again. On reflection this is probably a good thing as in an orgy of unashamed groveling I would probably end up serving him on bended knees and pre masticating his sandwich. In any case I hope he recognises me as this should stand me in good stead when the local boys in blue finally realize that I am indeed Smalltown's phantom flasher.

One disadvantage of our location is that we have a hospital nearby. Everytime the ambulance is called out half my customers walk out. I need a new sign. Attorneys, please pay before chasing.

1 comment:

genben said...

Your blog is clever and witty. I quite like it and will check back soon for new posts. :)