Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coffee and the Internet

For those of you whose lives are so empty as to be interested, guess what? The new ISP fell at the first hurdle. Ho hum. Back up north I was no great fan of Pox Communication but they did provide blindingly fast internet and if they were 30 minutes late for an appointment they stumped up $20. So instead of setting the Coffee House up on Tuesday these losers called to make it Thursday. Sadly this seems to be the way of doing business in the south. Personally I blame it all on the ready availability of shine and marijuana. This is why the south lost the war of northern aggression. They were too spliffed up to remember what date the battle was. In the meantime I am still reduced to skanking wifi off whoever it is that doesn't understand how to secure a network. The upside is that it is free, the downside is the some greedy bastard is gobbling up my share of the bandwidth. Watch this space.

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