Friday, June 29, 2007

Coffee and Tea

OK, when I am explaining the subtle differences between Irish Breakfast and English Afternoon it is not smart for you to ask if I keep English Midday. I know that you are just trying to impress your friends but it is hardly impressive when I roll around the floor laughing and wetting my pants. Best leave the choice of tea to me, agreed?
By the way the next person who asks for cream with their tea will be banned for life. If you want to ruin your tea I believe that there is a Starbucks in Bigtown somewhere. From now on you decide if you want black, brown, green, red or white tea and I will prepare it with the correct accoutrements. On second thoughts that is way to complicated, you say hot tea and I will bring you a perfectly brewed pot based on my assessment of your personality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! Boy am I glad I don't care for cream in my tea ;-)