Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Coffee and Prizes

Well that was a strange week. I actually got sued by a customer, thus proving once again that no good deed goes unpunished. The Boss decided that we should run a little competition thingy to increase sales of the espresso drinks. We bought a whole load of those stickers that you peel apart to see what you won and slapped them on the cups. Now I specifically ordered a ratio of 99.9% “Sorry please try again” to winners so I was amazed when the very first customer leapt in the air screaming, “I’ve won a motor home”. Clearly there was some awful mistake here but she wasn’t having any of it and when the Motor home didn’t materialize she had me up in front of Judge Mental in the District court. It took all of Bertie Grabbitt’s (Sue, Grabbitt and Runne LLP) oratory skills to explain that the label actually read “Win a Bagel”

I tell you as soon as my 401(k) plan kicks in (aka the Virginia lottery) I am long gone.

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