Thursday, January 31, 2008

Coffee and the Texas Ranger

We have a customer, Albert, who I appreciate above all others. The reason for my undying devotion is that for some bizarre reason Albert always tips me a twenty. Cup of tea and a scone; a twenty. Lunch for Albert and Missus; a twenty. Now what’s not to love about that?

So purely by coincidence Albert is in line to pay and right behind him is Bertie Grabbit (Sue, Grabbit and Runne LLP). Well before I had even rung up Albert’s tab he drops a twenty in the old pickle jar. Bertie spots the tip and naturally (being an attorney) assumes that a mistake has been made. His jaw drops and I see him draw breath as if to speak. Nimbly vaulting the counter I casually fell Bertie with a roundhouse karate kick to the throat before hopping back over the counter and thanking Albert for his largesse.

I have learned so much from watching Chuck Norris as Walker, Texas Ranger.

Swipe here -> Chuck Norris is always there even when you can't see him. <-


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