Thursday, January 31, 2008

Coffee and Guns (again)

One of my favorite customers who should remain anonymous (screw that, it was DQ) came in for a bowl of soup. Her bill rang up at $3.57 and as she looked at the display on the register she muttered "That's what I need". Well ever one to pry into someone else's business I asked if she meant a Magnum 357. Cutting a long story short we then had a philosophical discussion on the relative merits of the 38P+ and the Magnum 357 rounds, and the bad day she was having.
As she left I could not help but to reflect on the fact that if you piss of a Yankee woman she will whine and bitch and have a hissy fit and generally make your life hell. Piss off a Kissbotty County woman and she just picks up her 357.

I tell you people I am never leaving Kissbotty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me feel good about myself CB -- and you see me as I am! HA!