Monday, February 04, 2008

Coffee and Hugs

A lawyer from Bigtown, who I shall call Ron, is a fairly frequent visitor. Now as happens it seems like everyone arrives together and then decides to leave together. So Ron is at the end of a line of people who not only want to pay but entertain me with stories about their lives. Ron, clearly late for court, is hopping from foot to foot and eventually jumps the queue, slaps a $10 on the counter and says “Gotta run, this should cover it”. Well as soon as the words were out of his mouth he spots the Boss coming out of the kitchen and decides that his lunch merited a hug.

There is a fine dividing line between a hug and foreplay and to be honest I think that Ron crossed it in the first 60 seconds. I don’t know what to be more pissed about.

a) Ron copped a free feel
b) The Boss was clearly up for it.
c) When I finally cashed him out he had left me a 49-cent tip.

I wouldn’t mind him tweaking the old funbags but honestly 49 cents. Talk about it never rains.

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