Friday, April 11, 2008

Coffee and the Bog

As I have mused in the past, there seems to be a certain genre of woman who really should not be allowed to breed. Heavens knows why they do because clearly they are not enjoying the experience (although perhaps they overly enjoy the conception part). Anyway it strikes me that they spend the next 18 years pretty much ignoring their little snot gobblers which causes the nasty little sprog to clamor for attention and become even more obnoxious which causes Mommy to ignore it even more and the circle is complete.

Today such a Mother graced me with her presence. She looked like a smartly dressed businesswoman who had unexpectedly and unwillingly had to pick up the brat. She ordered a sandwich for herself and a high sugar content dessert for the fruit of her loins. The kid ran its grubby little paws across my windows (which had only just been cleaned last year) and constantly pestered the Mom who was studiously ignoring it. Eventually I heard her say that she would be right back and the kid whine on about not wanting to be alone. After a short interchange where she folded faster than Superman on laundry day she dragged the kid off to our luxury restroom facilities. A few minutes later they both emerge and walk up to the register to pay. Before I could ring them up the kid announced in a loud voice. “My Mommy did a smelly poo in there”. Well I know that the kid finally got her attention because she actually groaned in embarrassment. There were of course a thousand things that I could have said to ease her pain but you know I just made eye contact and reveled in the moment.

Sometimes I actually do like children, I really do.


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