Thursday, March 29, 2007

Coffee and Divorce

So Bertie Grabbit (Sue, Grabbit and Runne LLP) and Percy Piles (Hemmer, Rhoyd and Piles LLP) were in the shop yesterday, discussing a case in which they represent, respectively, the plaintiff and the defendant. It didn’t sound too interesting so whilst they were both distracted I used the opportunity to short change them both. Then Bertie started talking about another case in which he represents Mrs Darleen Scumbag who wants a divorce from Donnie Scumbag. Darleen has a huge scar on her left cheek where Donnie shot her in the face. Apparently the round went into her cheek and exited the back of her neck miraculously missing the carotid artery, jugular vein, vagus nerve and all of that stuff inside the spinal column that allow Darleen to walk and talk and yes indeed breathe. Now Bertie (and I swear to God this is the absolute truth) says that he thinks this will be suitable grounds for divorce, to which Darleen demurs on the basis that after the shooting she went back to Donnie.

I have no interest at all in the marital status of Donnie and Darleen but this does raise the question, what did Donnie do to Darleen that is worse than shooting her in the face, to prompt the divorce?

Note to self, never marry a Kissbotty County woman. Apparently they are harder to get rid of than a dose of Iranian crabs.

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